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3 Healthy Reasons Why Invisalign is the Best Choice to Straighten Your Teeth

Although metal braces are an effective way to align your teeth, they aren’t the best choice in this day and age. Every self-respecting Invisalign doctor in Annapolis, MD will tell you the same thing. Braces are bulky, uncomfortable, difficult to maintain, noticeable, and require monthly visits to the orthodontist.

Invisalign is practically the polar opposite of traditional braces. They are relatively comfortable, removable, clear and less noticeable, thin, easy to maintain, and require less frequent follow-up visits to the orthodontist.

Besides the obvious reasons mentioned above, there are also health benefits to straightening your teeth. We’ll share our favorites with you below.

  1. Teeth Cleaning is Much Easier

An Invisalign doctor in Annapolis, MD once pointed out the convenience of choosing them over traditional metal braces. It’s common knowledge that metal braces aren’t removable. Once the dentist puts them on, they aren’t coming off until a dental health professional removes them.

Braces are big, bulky, and food gets stuck between the metal. It’s difficult to brush and floss with them on because they get in the way. This can lead to excess plaque, which in turn leads to cavities, periodontal disease, root canals, and more. It’s also an unnecessary inconvenience at this point.

Invisalign makes flossing and brushing simple. Just take out the aligners prior to your morning and evening rituals and proceed as normal. You can brush your teeth and floss the same as always without having unsightly, bulky, and uncomfortable braces getting in the way.

  1. Teeth and Gums Stay Healthy

When teeth are packed too tightly together or spaced out too widely, it can result in red and swollen gums. Not only are these sensations unattractive and painful, they’re also symptoms of periodontal disease.

The top Invisalign doctor in Annapolis, MD knows that proper teeth alignment fights back against these harmful and unhealthy conditions. Why? Teeth become straight much faster with Invisalign than braces. Gums fit better around teeth once they’ve straightened. This is the best defense against gum disease and other periodontal issues in the future.

  1. Total Physical Health Improves

Invisalign makes it simple to perform daily oral hygiene tasks like flossing and brushing. This is critical to overall health and well-being.

Why? American Dental Association studies show that oral infections are bad news for the whole body.  They bring about serious and potentially fatal conditions like diabetes, stroke, pneumonia, and heart attacks. Most people fail to grasp the full gravity of a healthy mouth.

Keeping teeth and gums healthy is a must. Otherwise, bacteria can enter the mouth and cause gum disease and tooth decay. This can cause symptoms including potential tooth loss, bleeding and tender gums, and sores inside the mouth.

Bottom Line

By removing the aligners before performing oral hygiene tasks, it results in easier cleaning and flossing. This means healthier teeth and gums and less gum disease, tooth decay, bad breath, bleeding and sores, and oral infections. Clean teeth and gums even help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Choose easy and convenient Invisalign aligners over bulky and difficult braces every time.