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How to Create the Perfect Outdoor Entertaining Space on a Terrace

A beautiful terrace garden can be a perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Not only does it provide a relaxing space, but it can also enhance the beauty of your home. If you have a terrace board(terasová doska) that you want to transform into an oasis of greenery, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to design and build a beautiful terrace garden.

1. Assess the space:

To design a beautiful terrace garden, it is essential to assess the available space, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the local climate. Assessing these factors will help you decide what plants you can grow and what layout you should consider. You can choose between potted plants, raised beds, planters, or a combination to create your terrace garden.

2. Choose the plants:

Choosing the right plants is crucial in creating an inviting terrace garden. Select plants based on their light requirements, growing space, and water needs. You can choose plants that are visually appealing and serve functional purposes like shading areas or providing privacy. You can also choose from a variety of flowering plants, herbs, vegetables, and succulents.

3. Add hardscaping elements:

Hardscaping elements like seating areas, water features, pathways, and retaining walls are essential to enhance the beauty of your terrace garden. Designing pathways and seating areas also create zones that can be used for different activities. Adding a water feature like a fountain or a pond can add a relaxing atmosphere to your garden. Retaining walls can be used to create raised beds or frame your garden.

4. Maintenance:

Once your terrace garden is designed and built, it is essential to maintain it regularly. Water your plants regularly, prune them, remove weeds, and fertilize as needed. You can set up a composting bin to utilize organic waste from your garden to create healthy soil.

5. Lighting:

Lighting can be used to create a mood in your terrace garden. It is essential to consider the location and purpose of your lighting fixtures when designing a terrace garden. Lighting can highlight various areas of your garden, create ambiance, and provide safety while using the space at night.

Designing and building a beautiful terrace garden can be a fun and rewarding project. By assessing the available space, choosing the right plants, adding hardscaping elements, and maintaining it regularly, you can create an inviting space for yourself and your guests. Start with a plan, and watch as your dream terrace garden comes to life.


To begin, assess the size and shape of your terrace garden. Measure all available space carefully so you know exactly how many plants and other elements you can fit into it. Keep in mind that large plants will take up more space than smaller ones, so plan accordingly. Next, choose the type of plants you want to use for your terrace garden. Consider the amount of sunlight and shade available as well as the climate in your area when selecting plants. Make sure to choose a variety of evergreen shrubs, flowering perennials, annuals, ornamental grasses, and other plants for a lush look.

You can also add hardscaping elements such as rock gardens, pathways, water features, and raised beds to enhance the look of your terrace garden. These elements can provide visual interest and a sense of movement throughout the garden. You may also want to include benches or seating areas so visitors can sit and enjoy their surroundings.