
News and Insights from the Middle East


Pros And Cons Of Buying An Imported Car

When we want to buy a car, we usually hit the wall, because for the one we want is not enough. But what happens when we discover that we can find it at an affordable price, within our pocket’s reach and also the most equipped luxury version even with a Car pledge (รับจำนำรถจอด, which is the term in Thai)?

Where Do I Sign?

Surely we would all go at such a speed, but the truth is that suddenly there are more disadvantages that we can experience when bringing an imported car, than the advantages of the dream achieved.

But First, Let’s Extol The Advantage

The price is much lower, even being a recent model with better equipment, accessories and levels of security.

Cons Of Bringing A Car From Another Country

In some countries you will not find the availability of spare parts, and if you find them, they will be at a high cost. This situation might be a problem for most people who bought cars that aren’t famous.

Insuring these types of vehicles is usually twice as much as the cost of regular insurance.

The height of our cities, the characteristics of gasoline, the conditions of the highways and roads of our country; require that cars that have been manufactured to travel other countries, upon arrival here must undergo certain technical modifications, otherwise, the wear of the car may occur faster than usual.

You have to do a lot of paperwork. Before crossing the border, you must verify its situation, that it has no debts and that it is not stolen; Failure to do so could cause you to be stopped and even lose your car when trying to cross.

You affect the country’s automotive industry.

You must comply with the measures imposed by the Tax Administration Service, to legalize the unit, which greatly increases the final investment.