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Rank tracker for businesses

Rank tracker is a very reliable tool for online marketers to track various keywords across multiple search engines. Companies use rank tracker data to improve their rankings on these search engines to boost their rankings and enhance their profit or revenue in a very short span of time.

Companies prefer to get geo-specific ranking of their websites. People being at one place can find the ranking of their websites in various specific locations. This data is important for the companies as they can see the response of the users, viewers, customers etc to their products, services etc. Google is a very commonly used search engine and many companies use Google rank tracker to track the ranking of their websites. 

Keyword tracking 

Keyword tracking is a process to find or monitor the position of a website for specific keywords. Users use words on search engines to find information about specific things. Search engine professionals first identify these keywords that users generally use to find information on search engines. SEO professionals will align their website and web pages with these keywords. Subsequently they will monitor the position or ranking of the website for these keywords. Google keyword tracker is a popular keyword tracking tool for Google search engine.

Online market is very vast and competitive. There are very high number of big and small companies attempting to attract Internet viewers and customers for similar type of products and services. There are competitions at local level, state or country level or global level. Companies have to outperform their competitors to get more revenue and profit. Physical location is insignificant in online world hence it is very much possible to be at one place and outdo local competitors at various specific locations. Online marketers and SEO professionals use various strategies to outdo local and global competitors at various specific locations.

Website rank tracker signifies position or ranking of a website for specific keyword on search engines. Keyword position tracker is very commonly used by online marketers for monitoring the ranking of their websites for specific keywords etc. These keywords and ranking on search engine really matters for companies as it affects their popularity of their websites and subsequently their sales and revenue. 

Internet and online market is not constant or consistent. Search engines update their searching algorithms, new players join the fray, new strategies used by competitors, etc are various reasons which frequently changes the website ranking on the Internet. Website owners, online marketers and SEO professionals have to consistently attempt to outrank their competitors to get higher ranking and viewership. 

People have access to fast Internet on their smart phones. Many countries have 4G Internet connections and few leading countries intend to provide 5G Internet technology in very near future. People just check first few websites that appear on the search engine results on their smart phones. These first few websites get more business from users etc. 

This intensifies the competition among players in online businesses. Companies will use various strategies to get higher ranking on search engines’ search results for various keywords to enhance their visibility and promote their sales.