
News and Insights from the Middle East


The Importance Of Studying Correctly

We all know that learning is complex, even more so for contestants, since most have been away from books for some time. Of course, we all learn a lot of things every day, we learn by reading newspapers, working, dealing with other people, but this is not the traditional learning of studying with books, of doing exercises to train. Even the courses we take for professional, or language refresher courses are not the same as studying for competitions.

When deciding to study for competitions or study Toefl (เรียน toefl which is the term in Thai), you must leave the average study and go to complete dedication. That is, leaving that light and calm study of “learning something new every day” or the “English course” to go to a study where “you will have to learn many subjects, hitherto unknown,

Today there are several modern methods of learning using multimedia resources; however, at least 90% of learning for public examinations is still based on the suitable old method of studying “read, reread, read again, exercise, read, exercise more, reread, do all the exercises again… repeat everything”.

Studying for competitions is repetition, repetition of reading, repetition of summarizing the material, repetition of doing exercises. It’s repeating, repeating, and repeating until you fix everything in your memory and be ready to do well in any public competition exam. This method is tiring, often boring, but proven effective and accessible to anyone.

Studying for competitions takes time, a lot of attention, commitment, and, above all, dedication. It is not easy to spend days, weeks, months, years poring over books repeating and repeating the study of subjects required in public examinations. But it is necessary for anyone who wants to pass. And if done with passion and enthusiasm, you will find that the results will be very effective. Therefore, study with quality and seriousness that learning will come as a beautiful consequence.