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Things To Avoid After Liquid Nose Job -Tips To Make Wise Decision!

After getting a liquid Nose job beverly hills, also called rhinoplasty, it’s important to follow your doctor’s orders to ensure proper healing. Here are the top 5 things to avoid after getting a liquid nose job, as well as the reasons why so that you can have a safe recovery process.

The top 5 things to avoid after getting a liquid nose job: the reasons explained!

  1. Sleeping on your stomach or side – can put pressure on your nose and cause it to shift out of place.
  2. Wearing glasses or sunglasses – can put pressure on your nose and cause it to shift out of place.
  3. Blowing your nose – this can put pressure on your incisions and cause them to open up.
  4. Exposing your nose to direct sunlight – can increase the risk of scarring.
  5. Engaging in strenuous activity – can put pressure on your incisions and cause them to open up.

Following these simple guidelines will help you heal properly and avoid complications after getting a liquid nose job.

Dealing with post-operative pain after a liquid nose job:

 After having a liquid nose job, it is normal to experience some pain and discomfort. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help manage post-operative pain.

  • First, be sure to take any pain medication prescribed by your doctor as directed.
  • You may also find relief if you can apply something cold such as a cold compress to the outside of your nose or by using a nasal spray.
  • If the pain is severe, you should contact your doctor for additional instructions.
  • In most cases, the post-operative pain will improve within a few days and should be completely gone within two weeks.

By following your doctor’s instructions and taking steps to manage your pain, you can ensure a speedy recovery.

How to deal with post-operative bruising after a liquid nose job:

After you have had a liquid nose job, it is not uncommon to experience some bruising. This can occur around the eyes or on the bridge of the nose. While it may be tempting to hide the bruising with makeup, it is important to allow your skin to heal naturally.

  • Additionally, Avoiding sun exposure will help to prevent further bruising and swelling. There are a few home remedies that can also help speed up the healing process.
  • For example, applying a cold compress can help to reduce swelling, while Arnica cream can help to reduce bruising.
  • Most importantly, be sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully in order to avoid any complications.

With proper care, the bruising should resolve itself within a few weeks.


While nose surgery does involve cutting and restructuring the nose, the pain is typically well-managed with medication. In fact, many patients report that the pain is minimal and fades quickly.

On the other hand, a liquid nose job involves injecting fillers into the nose. So, while there is no cutting or restructuring involved, the injections can be quite uncomfortable. Make a decision considering all these factors!