
News and Insights from the Middle East


Want to look young again? Go for a facelift.

Rhytidectomy or facelift is a surgical procedure to remove the excess of skin on the lower half of the face and give it a completely new look. We all have heard of “time and tide wait for none”. The same goes for the human face. At a younger age, your skin is bright, firm, and fresh. No wrinkles can be spotted. As the old age hits, your skin starts sagging, especially around the jaw line. This hanging skin around the jawline is termed as jowls. To remove these jowls, people go for a facelift. According to a recent report, more than 107,000 women and more than 13,000 men went for a facelift in 2016 in the USA. The surgery can take 2-5 hours depending upon the conditions. The patient can go home on the same day. Before the surgery, the doctors go through the patient’s medical history that may include blood pressure, cigarette smoking, blood clotting, scarring, allergies, skin condition, and drug use.

What happens during the facelift?

The surgeon makes an incision in front of the ear that extends up to the hairline and behind the ear. The skin is then lift off the deeper facial muscles. The skin is gently pulled to remove the sagginess. The wound is then closed sutures. A drain may be placed under the skin to remove any excess blood. This drain will only be placed for a day or two. There can be certain complications if the procedure is not performed by an experienced surgeon as removing too much skin can cause a distorted look. Distortion of earlobes can also occur. If you’re in Thailand, Facelift in Yanhee hospital [ดึงหน้า ยันฮี, which is the term in Thai], should be your first preference.

You will be operated upon by skilled surgeons

If you go for a Facelift in Yanhee hospital, you will get a 5% discount. Apart from the affordable pricing, over 9 medical experts will be there just for you. They will provide complete satisfaction, care, and love.