
News and Insights from the Middle East


Why Conformité Assainissement Important

Sanitation is the key element for healthy living. Conformité assainissement in sewage is a must. Sewage water is said to be the most dangerous and home for many diseases. You must be knowing that the water collected from all the locality meets at the sewer. From there it is sent to the public wastewater treatment. In this article, I will tell you a generalized view on conformité assainissementof sewage.

What is sewage treatment?

The process of removing as many contaminants as we can before disposing of them to the natural bodies. This helps in maintaining the environment cleans.

A by-product of sewage treatment is produced that is semi-solid waste and is called sewage sludge. This undergoes further treatment before it is used for land purposes. Another name for sewage treatment is wastewater treatment. But this can also be referred to as treatment in a broader term for industrial water treatment.

Steps of treatment:

The main aim of this process is the production of effluent. They try to make this effluent as less harmful as possible. The general steps are first, removing the solid waste. After these steps, by using biological processes the remaining are converted into a soluble form. The fine particles will settle down at the bottom in the form of sludge. This step will leave liquid that will be free from all the solid waste.

The steps can be divided as follows:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary


  1. Primary treatment: In this, the sewage is held temporarily in a basin so that the solid suspended particles can be settled down. After removing the settled and the suspended particle the leftover water is sent to secondary treatment.  
  2. Secondary treatment: This step removes all the dissolved or suspended biological particles. In these micro-organisms are used. After this treatment, you may have to do another separation step when the micro-organism is removed from the water. Then it can be sent to tertiary treatment.
  3. Tertiary treatment: This is an additional step that removes the left-over particles so that the water can now be allowed to mix in low-flowing rivers, estuaries, etc. In this sand filtration is also used, in this activated carbon is used. This treatment is also called effluent polishing.

If you think still some of the particles are left and need to be removed then you can store them in lagoons and ponds. In this large amount of macrophytes are present and the lagoon is highly aerobic. This helps in the further solubilization and removal of the waste by using biological methods. 



Conformité assainissementis the most important thing that needs to be taken care of. It is the home for most of the disease. When the sewage water undergoes the three steps treatment, you can remove most of the contaminated particles, and then the water can be let go into the river. This is the rising demand of the current situation as we need to protect the environment in all the ways possible.

I hope this article on conformité assainissementgave you the best insight possible, thank you for reading.